Section - 103 - Obligations of Personal Representive as to giving Posseeion of Land and Powers of the Court

    (1) A personal representative, before giving an assent or making a conveyance of immovable property, may permit that person to take possession of the property, and that possession shall not prejudicially affect the right of the personal representative to take or resume possession nor his power to convey the property as if he were in possession thereof, but subject to the interest of any lessee, tenant or occupier in possession or in actual occupation.

    (2) Any person who as against the personal representative claims possession of immovable property, or the appointment of a receiver thereof, or a conveyance thereof, or an assent to the vesting thereof, may apply to the court for directions with reference thereto, and the court may make such vesting or other order as may be deemed proper.

    (3) This section applies whether the testator or intestate died before or after the commencement of this Act.